

© Copyright 2024.  RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific (CoreLogic) and its licensors are the sole and exclusive owners of all rights, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) subsisting in the CoreLogic Materials contained in this publication. All rights reserved.

CoreLogic Disclaimers

Data and Reports

The supply of any Product Data, including Product Data contained within or used for the generation of reports, is made subject to the following disclaimer:

The CoreLogic Data provided in this publication is of a general nature and should not be construed as specific advice or relied upon in lieu of appropriate professional advice.

While CoreLogic uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the CoreLogic Data is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of the CoreLogic Data and to the full extent permitted by law excludes all loss or damage howsoever arising (including through negligence) in connection with the CoreLogic Data.

AVM Estimates

The supply of any AVM Estimate (including IntelliVal and E-Valuate) is made subject to the following disclaimer:

An automated valuation model estimate (AVM Estimate) is a statistically derived estimate of the value of the subject property. An AVM Estimate is generated (i) by a computer driven mathematical model in reliance on available data; (ii) without the physical inspection of the subject property; (iii) without taking into account any market conditions (including building, planning, or economic), and/or (iv) without identifying observable features or risks (including adverse environmental issues, state of repair, improvements, renovations, aesthetics, views or aspect) which may, together or separately, affect the value.

An AVM Estimate is current only at the date of publication or supply. An AVM Estimate must not be relied upon as a professional valuation or an accurate representation of the market value of the subject property as determined by a valuer. CoreLogic expressly excludes any warranties and representations that an AVM Estimate is an accurate representation as to the market value of the subject property.

To the full extent permitted by law, CoreLogic excludes all liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising or suffered by the recipient, whether as a result of the recipient's reliance on the accuracy of an AVM Estimate or otherwise arising in connection with an AVM Estimate.

Agency Benchmark Reports

The supply of Agency Benchmark Reports (ABR) is made subject to the following disclaimer:

The sales, listings and agent information used to calculate the analytics in the ABR may not be recorded or available for all residential properties at the time of publication. CoreLogic does not use data in this report from all available listing sources and therefore cannot guarantee that the Customer’s specific agency information will appear in the ABR.

Construction Costing Data

The supply of any Cordell Construction Cost Data is made subject to the following disclaimer:

Any construction pricing or costing data (Data) is indicative only and is not intended to replace a professional valuation of improvement or replacement costs through an appropriately qualified person (such as a valuer or quantity surveyor).

Any Data does not take into account all matters that may be relevant for determining improvement or replacement costs, such as (without limitation):

  1. the scope for variations in construction costs due to matters such as the quality and complexity of a replacement or repair item;
  2. the location of the property and market conditions in that location or wider construction industry;
  3. fluctuations in availability of materials, or construction pricing or costing information, and the delivery and lead time;
  4. any allowances for any statutory consents including building and planning;
  5. any allowances for any engineering or other design requirements associated with any improvement or replacement;
  6. any allowances for costs associated with content removal costs, landscaping costs, temporary rental costs and the costs of rectifying damage caused during any demolition and construction phases to the land or improvements of the property;
  7. where such Data is combined with data from a third party (such as a property owner), the accuracy of that third party information; and
  8. where such Data relates to an insurance policy or claim, the terms of any insurance policy.

Whilst the Data used in this report is regularly updated, CoreLogic disclaims all warranties that the Data is accurate, complete, or up to date and excludes all liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising as a result of any reliance on the accuracy of the Data.

Cordell Sum Sure Estimate

The supply of any Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is made subject to the following disclaimer:

The Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is an estimate of the cost to rebuild the improvements on your property and is generated by the Cordell Sum Sure Calculator which uses available property attribute information (including information you input or confirm) and/or information collated by CoreLogic about the subject property (from insurers and other third party sources) and analyses them against construction industry data to statistically derive a rebuild estimate through a series of computer implemented algorithms (Cordell Sum Sure Estimate).

The Cordell Sum Sure Estimate does not take into account individual design features, site specific conditions, structural conditions and materials, local planning laws or any other regulations and may not be suitable for your particular circumstances. The Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is an indicative guide only and must not be relied upon as an accurate representation of the costs associated with rebuilding your property or in lieu of appropriate professional advice.

While CoreLogic uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure the Cordell Sum Sure Estimate is current, CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of the Cordell Sum Sure Estimate and to the full extent permitted by law excludes all loss or damage howsoever arising (including through negligence) in connection with the Cordell Sum Sure Estimate.

BAL Estimate

The supply of any BAL Estimate is made subject to the following disclaimer:

A Bushfire Attack Level Estimate (BAL Estimate) is an estimate of a subject property’s potential bushfire risk generated using a data driven simplified methodology, without physical inspection of the site, and is designed for use solely as an input to the Cordell Sum Sure Calculator in generating a Cordell Sum Sure Estimate for a subject property.

A BAL Estimate must not be relied upon as a Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) rating as determined in accordance with Australian Standard AS 3959:2018 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas (and amendments or replacements) or used in establishing construction requirements for a site, and is not intended to replace a professional assessment of bushfire risk for a subject property. A BAL Estimate is current only at the date of publication or supply.

CoreLogic does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of the BAL Estimate, and to the full extent permitted by law, CoreLogic excludes all liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising or suffered by the recipient in connection with a BAL Estimate.


The supply of any Product Data containing maps is made subject to the following disclaimer:

A map showing boundaries of a property is indicative only and may not be complete or accurate. Any map that is produced is not intended or designed to replace the certificate of title or land survey information. If you need a certificate of title or land survey information for any purpose then you can order these separately from CoreLogic or the relevant government body.

Hazard Data

The supply of any Product Data containing hazard related information is made subject to the following disclaimers:

Any hazard data or information (Hazard Data) provided is indicative only and not intended to replace obtaining specific professional advice in relation to such information.

Any Hazard Data does not take into account all matters that may be relevant for determining relevant hazards, and the recipient acknowledges and accepts:

  1. it is not based on any site-specific geological or engineering investigation at the relevant property;
  2. the Hazard Data is not a geological or engineering report for a property and does not replace the need for a site inspection in relation to issues relating to geological, foundation, or other hazard-related conditions at the relevant property; and
  3. the information and data contained in the Hazard Data has been obtained from a variety of third party sources and does not specifically originate from CoreLogic.

ARCHISTAR and its third party suppliers hereby expressly disclaim all warranties and liability in relation to your use of the ARCHISTAR Zoning Data including that the Zoning Database will meet your requirements, is fit or suitable for your particular purpose, be of merchantable quality, be compatible with your access facilities.

Building Consent Information

The supply of any Product Data containing building consent related information is made subject to the following disclaimer:

Any data or information containing building consent information (Building Consent Data) has been obtained from a variety of third party sources. The Building Consent Data:

  1. is not available for all properties and/or may be incomplete in respect of certain properties and in particular, is only available for about 60 % of total building consents in Australia due to limitations with the collection of this data;
  2. relies on the accuracy of the description against the Building Consent Data provided to CoreLogic by third parties;
  3. may differ from the actual construction cost (where it contains an estimated construction cost) and
  4. any errors in entry of property details may lead to incorrect Building Consent Data being provided and the recipient should always check the appropriateness of the information contained in the building consent report against the actual property or surrounding properties (including physical attributes of such property).

Models, Calculators and Tools

The supply of any Modelled Data including through modelled volumes or through any calculators is made subject to the following disclaimer:

Modelled Data is a computer generated output from a mathematical model using available statistical and property data and must not be relied upon as an accurate prediction of current or future market performance or construed as advice. Modelled Data does not take into account future market conditions or your individual circumstances. You should exercise your own skill and judgment when considering investment decisions and seek professional advice where appropriate.

Modelled Data is current only at the date of publication or supply and may change over time. CoreLogic expressly excludes any warranties and representations that Modelled Data is an accurate prediction of current or future market performance.

To the full extent permitted by law, CoreLogic excludes all liability for any loss or damage howsoever arising suffered by the recipient, whether as a result of the recipient's reliance on the accuracy of Modelled Data or otherwise arising in connection with Modelled Data.

Third Party Disclaimers

Creative Commons

Where Product Data (or any reports supplied by CoreLogic) have been compiled with data and statistics supplied under Creative Commons Licence, the following notice applies in conjunction with CoreLogic Disclaimers:

Product Data licensed by CoreLogic under a Creative Commons Attribution licence. For details regarding licence, data source, copyright and disclaimers, see http://www.corelogic.com.au/aboutus/thirdpartyrestrictions

ABS Disclaimer

Where Product Data (or any reports supplied by CoreLogic) have been compiled with data and statistics supplied under licence from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS Data), the following notice applies in conjunction with CoreLogic Disclaimers:

This publication contains data and statistics provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, available at http://www.abs.gov.au/ and reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/au/legalcode and/or Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0.

Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF)

The supply of any Product Data containing information from the Geocoded National Address File (G-NAF) is made subject to the following disclaimer:

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor or its representatives. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of Precisely, 1700 District Ave Ste 300, Burlington MA 01803-5231, USA.

Copyright 2000, 2024 Precisely 

Incorporates or developed using data from PSMA. https://geoscape.com.au/

©2024 PSMA Australia Limited trading as Geoscape Australia. For details regarding copyright and disclaimers see https://geoscape.com.au/legal/data-copyright-and-disclaimer

Suburbs and Localities Information

The supply of any Product Data containing suburb or locality information is made subject to the following disclaimers:

Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of the vendor or its representatives. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, without the written permission of Precisely, 1700 District Ave Ste 300, Burlington MA 01803-5231, USA. 

Copyright 2000, 2024 Precisely

Incorporates or developed using data from PSMA. https://geoscape.com.au/

©2024 PSMA Australia Limited trading as Geoscape Australia. For details regarding copyright and disclaimers see https://geoscape.com.au/legal/data-copyright-and-disclaimer

© QLD records based on data provided by the https://www.resources.qld.gov.au/

Queensland Department of Resources (CC-BY)


Where Product Data (or any reports supplied by CoreLogic) has been compiled with data supplied under licence from Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), the following disclaimer applies in conjunction with CoreLogic disclaimers:

The software used to calculate the star rating and outputs is not accredited software under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) and any star rating or other outputs generated represents an estimated NatHERS star rating and is not a replacement for a NatHERS Certificate. While the software has been created with due care, the information used to train the software will continue to develop over time, and there is no warranty or representation that the star rating or other outputs are free from errors or omissions or generated with appropriate or accurate assumptions. The star rating and other outputs are estimated based on certain inputs and assumptions, and no claim is made as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, currency, suitability or otherwise of the star rating or other outputs, especially where Licensee Input Data is based on assumptions. The star rating and other outputs are provided on the basis that the Customer or End User receiving the star rating and other outputs are responsible for assessing whether it will meet its requirements and be fit or suitable for that person’s or organisation’s purpose or intended use.

Australian State Disclaimers

Where Product Data (or any reports supplied by CoreLogic) has been compiled with data supplied under licence from an Australian State government supplier, the following State disclaimers apply in conjunction with CoreLogic Disclaimers:

Queensland Data

Based on or contains data provided by the State of Queensland (Department of Resources) 2024. In consideration of the State permitting use of this data you acknowledge and agree that the State gives no warranty in relation to the data (including accuracy, reliability, completeness, currency or suitability) and accepts no liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for any loss, damage or costs (including consequential damage) relating to any use of the data. Data must not be used for direct marketing or be used in breach of the privacy laws; more information at www.propertydatacodeofconduct.com.au.

South Australian Data

© 2024 Copyright in this information belongs to the South Australian Government and the South Australian Government does not accept any responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information or its suitability for any purpose.

New South Wales Data

Contains property sales information provided under licence from the Valuer General New South Wales. RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the Valuer General New South Wales.

Victorian Data

The State of Victoria owns the copyright in the Property Sales Data and reproduction of that data in any way without the consent of the State of Victoria will constitute a breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). The State of Victoria does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the Property Sales Data and any person using or relying upon such information does so on the basis that the State of Victoria accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any errors, faults, defects or omissions in the information supplied.

Western Australian Data

Information contained within this product includes or is derived from the location information data licensed from Western Australian Land Information Authority (WALIA) (2024) trading as Landgate. Copyright in the location information data remains with WALIA. WALIA does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the location information data or its suitability for any particular purpose.

Australian Capital Territory Data

The Territory Data is the property of the Australian Capital Territory. Any form of Territory Data that is reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means (electronic, mechanical, microcopying, photocopying, recording or otherwise) must be in accordance with this agreement. Enquiries should be directed to: Manager, Customer Services Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate. GPO Box 158 Canberra ACT 2601.

Tasmanian Data

This product incorporates data that is copyright owned by the Crown in Right of Tasmania. The data has been used in the product with the permission of the Crown in Right of Tasmania. The Crown in Right of Tasmania and its employees and agents:

  1. give no warranty regarding the data's accuracy, completeness, currency or suitability for any particular purpose; and
  2. do not accept liability howsoever arising, including but not limited to negligence for any loss resulting from the use of or reliance upon the data.

Base data from the LIST © State of Tasmania http://www.thelist.tas.gov.au


Cordell Construction Cost Data means any Product Data related to estimated construction costs or pricing for a particular property.

CoreLogic means RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific (ABN 67 087 759 171)

CoreLogic Materials means all Intellectual Property Rights (of CoreLogic, its Related Bodies Corporate and/or third party suppliers), CoreLogic Confidential Information, Product Data, databases, platforms, models, calculators and tools including any other material provided or supplied by CoreLogic to you, or otherwise accessed by you in the use of the CoreLogic services, and includes all Modifications to those materials.

Modelled Data means the outputs from statistical algorithms, models, calculators and tools.

CoreLogic Data means any data, facts, information, statistics, analytics, indices, results, commentary, reports, maps, photographs, or meta data, (including any Personal Information, property transactional, ownership and occupancy information, property attribute data) or other information which is (at any time) accessed or obtained by You (or Your Representatives) from CoreLogic.


Version 11.1 of these CoreLogic Disclaimers are current as and from 16 August 2024

© 2024 RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. All rights reserved.