Our Data

Propensity to List

Engage property sellers at the right time

Identify attrition risks early in the decision journey

Uncover customers at high risk of churn, engage at the right time and be top-of-mind when it matters.

Our predictive model fills in the pre-listing blind spot and offers a customer segment that is 26 times more accurate* than a random sample

Make relevant communications to identified risk customers early, increase their chances of retention for the next mortgage

Powered by insights from CoreLogic’s market leading platforms and comprehensive property database

Harness the power of property data for your business

We know engaging at the right time is one of the greatest retention challenges for banks and lenders. Propensity to List is developed to help you target, engage and retain your customers earlier in their decision journey.

Monthly segment analysis
Each month we provide you with a targeted segment of your customers that are likely to list in the next 3 months.

Targeted retention engagement
Your retention team can communicate with identified segment through relevant messaging confidently.

Be customers’ top-of-mind
Be the lender who supports your customer through their life stages and appear as their top-of-mind selection when it matters.

Drive marketing efficiencies
Improve customer retention and marketing success rate through uncompromised customer experience.

Harness the power of property data for your business

We know engaging at the right time is one of the greatest retention challenges for banks and lenders. Propensity to List is developed to help you target, engage and retain your customers earlier in their decision journey.

Monthly segment analysis
Each month we provide you with a targeted segment of your customers that are likely to list in the next 3 months.

Targeted retention engagement
Your retention team can communicate with identified segment through relevant messaging confidently.

Be customers’ top-of-mind
Be the lender who supports your customer through their life stages and appear as their top-of-mind selection when it matters.

Drive marketing efficiencies
Improve customer retention and marketing success rate through uncompromised customer experience.

Want to discover how Propensity to List and our suite of customers retention solutions can help your business?


* Australia-wide model performance (average of model performance for April ‘22 to April ‘23). Predicts a listing result with 60 times more accuracy than a random sample (17.4%/0.4%).