Search Results

Showing 71-80 out of 164 results

RP Data for Investors

Unlock the power of CoreLogic’s RP Data to help you identify the next opportunity to grow your investment portfolio. RP Data’s market leading data and

CoreLogic Australia

26 Sep 2023


Cityscope for Trades & Services

Cityscope is CoreLogic’s commercial property database, offering detailed coverage for office, retail and industrial properties in Australia’s capital cities.This handy tool can help you find

CoreLogic Australia

15 Dec 2022


Lease Expiry Diary

Lease Expiry Diary helps you pinpoint tenants nearing the end of their lease. This lets you engage with them when they’re making decisions about their

CoreLogic Australia

9 Sep 2022


Cordell Estimator for Trades & Services

Take control of your project pipeline with our intuitive building cost estimator for trades and services providers. Cordell Estimator, helps to provide an accurate professional

CoreLogic Australia

10 May 2024


Market Scorecard for Real Estate

CoreLogic’s Market Scorecard ranks your business against your peers at a local, state and national level. It’s a valuable tool for monitoring your market share and identifying

CoreLogic Australia

5 Apr 2022


Cordell Connect for Developers

Get up-to-date details on building projects occurring across Australia with Cordell Connect.For over 50 years, we’ve been researching Australia’s construction industry while building relationships with

CoreLogic Australia

26 Sep 2023


Commercial Valuations

CoreLogic’s commercial valuations platform is designed to smooth out the bumps on the non-residential lending and property valuation road. Connecting banks and brokers with qualified

CoreLogic Australia

22 Aug 2023


Commercial Real Estate

Tap into Australia’s most comprehensive property database for a detailed view of the commercial property landscape.CoreLogic puts your finger on the pulse, so you can

CoreLogic Australia

23 Nov 2022

79 results found: Asset Name: Women and Property 2023 ...

Once it’s integrated into your website, the Customer Engagement Tool is always on and working to enhance the client experience for your business. ... Image:. Asset Name: Customer Engagement Tool for Real Estate.

Showing 71-80 out of 164 results
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