Search Results

Showing 301-310 out of 1,087 results

One in five Australian homes sold for $1 million or more$1-million-or-more

A record number of Australians spent $1 million or more to secure a home in the past year, CoreLogic’s annual Million Dollar Markets report reveals.

CoreLogic Australia

28 Jun 2022


Home Value Index: Housing downturn accelerates as falling values become more widespread

CoreLogic’s national Home Value Index (HVI) recorded a fourth consecutive month of decline in August, with the downturn accelerating and becoming more geographically broad-based. Down

Tim Lawless

31 Aug 2022


National unit values rise for the first time in 11 months

CoreLogic’s national unit index increased 0.6% over March, rising for the first time in 11 months. The subtle increases seen in Sydney unit values in

Kaytlin Ezzy

24 Apr 2023


Peak profit-making period has passed for Australia’s housing market

Australian vendors seeking to profit from the resale of their property have seen the peak of the market come and go in the June quarter,

Eliza Owen

23 Aug 2023


Weaker real estate auction market likely to continue in 2023

CoreLogic’s Quarterly Auction Market Review shows 25,637 properties went under the hammer across the combined capitals with a clearance rate of 57.8% in the December

CoreLogic Australia

27 Jan 2023


Vacancy rates reach new record lows despite rental growth easing

Despite worsening affordability easing the pace of rental growth in Australia, rental availability tightened in September, with vacancy rates falling to new record lows across

CoreLogic Australia

5 Oct 2023


Housing downturn makes Australia’s million-dollar club more exclusive

Following a record number of house and unit markets at the suburb level with a median value of $1 million or more last year, one

Kaytlin Ezzy

15 Jun 2023


Harnessing the power of property data to fuel smarter property decisions

of inner-city apartment completions from a property investment boom in the mid-to-late 2010s. ... Investor interestABS housing finance data reports the amount of new lending secured for investment property purchases by state on a monthly basis, with the

Tougher selling conditions persist as auction clearance rates tumble

The triple whammy of weaker buyer sentiment, rate hikes and rising inflation has spread to Australia’s auction market, sending clearance rates lower over the June

CoreLogic Australia

15 Aug 2022


National vacancy rates hit record low as affordability starts to impact rent hikes

As Australia’s rental market continues to tighten to record levels, the pace of rental growth has started to ease, suggesting affordability constraints are having an

Kaytlin Ezzy

30 Nov 2022

Showing 301-310 out of 1,087 results