Search Results

Showing 191-200 out of 207 results

Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) and Property Data

has established an ‘energy awareness’ pilot program with two of its customer real estate agencies,. ... Upstate Real Estate (Northern Beaches) and McConnell Bourn. With the assistance of Conexie, CoreLogic is.

Dustin Irwin

28 Nov 2022

CoreLogic analysis identifies Victorian households at risk of climate hazards

Leveraging its strategic partnership with global reinsurer Munich Re, CoreLogic International has analysed Victoria’s residential property climate hazard and risk exposure, revealing very high risk

CoreLogic Australia

7 Jun 2022


Property a priority for Gen Z women but affordability and investment major hurdles

CoreLogic's annual Women & Property report reveals unique insights into the state of home ownership across genders and generations, including motivations, barriers and attitudes to

CoreLogic Australia

8 Mar 2024


Recent surge in property prices may have widened gender wealth gap

CoreLogic’s 2022 Women & Property report suggests women continue to have less overall share of property ownership than men, making them potentially disadvantaged by recent wealth gains from real estate.

CoreLogic Australia

30 Nov 2022


Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) and Property Data

has established an ‘energy awareness’ pilot program with two of its customer real estate agencies,. ... Upstate Real Estate (Northern Beaches) and McConnell Bourn. With the assistance of Conexie, CoreLogic is.

CoreLogic analysis identifies Victorian households at risk of climate hazards

Leveraging its strategic partnership with global reinsurer Munich Re, CoreLogic International has analysed Victoria’s residential property climate hazard and risk exposure, revealing very high risk

CoreLogic Australia

7 Jun 2022


CoreLogic Australia Residential Property Index Series

October 2023

© 2023 RR Data Pty Ltd T/As CoreLogi [Company address] c Asia Pacific. Proprietary And confidential

29 Sep 2023

Showing 191-200 out of 207 results