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Showing 1,351-1,360 out of 1,362 results

PowerPoint Presentation

slowdown and higher interest rates. Historically, purchasing data shows the majority of buyers are.

Jeremy Snowsill

21 Jun 2023

PowerPoint Presentation

slowdown and higher interest rates. Historically, purchasing data shows the majority of buyers are.

PowerPoint Presentation

Data source: CoreLogic. 2 2021 CoreLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For media enquiries, contact: 2023 CoreLogic, Inc. ... Home Value index Only metrics with a minimum of 20 sales observations and a low standard error on the

Jeremy Snowsill

15 Jun 2023

PowerPoint Presentation

Data source: CoreLogic. 2 2021 CoreLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For media enquiries, contact: 2023 CoreLogic, Inc. ... Home Value index Only metrics with a minimum of 20 sales observations and a low standard error on the

PowerPoint Presentation

Data source: CoreLogic. About the data• Median value refers to the 50th percentile of valuation estimates observed in the region• Growth rates are based on changes in the CoreLogic Home Value ... observations and a low standard error on the median

PowerPoint Presentation

Data source: CoreLogic. About the data• Median value refers to the 50th percentile of valuation estimates observed in the region• Growth rates are based on changes in the CoreLogic Home Value ... observations and a low standard error on the median

Jeremy Snowsill

26 May 2022

PowerPoint Presentation

downturn presents a challenge. However, by using satellite imagery and more granular property-level data, we can start to understand.

PowerPoint Presentation

downturn presents a challenge. However, by using satellite imagery and more granular property-level data, we can start to understand.

Jeremy Snowsill

1 Mar 2023

Showing 1,351-1,360 out of 1,362 results