Search Results

Showing 171-180 out of 1,360 results

Harnessing the power of property data to fuel smarter property decisions

RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI. ... CoreLogic Home Value IndexReleased 01 November 2023. In compiling this publication, RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic has relied upon

Bei Li

30 Oct 2023

Harnessing the power of property data to fuel smarter property decisions

RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI. ... CoreLogic Home Value IndexReleased 01 November 2023. In compiling this publication, RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic has relied upon

CoreLogic HVI Dec 1 2023

CoreLogic Home Value IndexReleased 02 January 2024. In compiling this publication, RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic Asia Pacific (ABN 67 087 759 171) (“CoreLogic”) has relied upon information supplied ... The detailed methodological information

Bei Li

31 Dec 2023

CoreLogic analysis identifies Victorian households at risk of climate hazards

Leveraging its strategic partnership with global reinsurer Munich Re, CoreLogic International has analysed Victoria’s residential property climate hazard and risk exposure, revealing very high risk

CoreLogic Australia

7 Jun 2022


CoreLogic Australia FY23 Modern Slavery Statement Lisa Claes Chief ...

This statement, submitted pursuant to the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Act), sets out the actions taken by RP Data Pty Limited (trading as ‘CoreLogic Asia Pacific’) (CoreLogic) to address ... This Modern Slavery Statement for FY23 was

CoreLogic HVI Dec 1 2023

RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic is authorised as a Property Sales Information provider by the LPI. ... CoreLogic Home Value IndexReleased 01 December 2023. In compiling this publication, RP Data Pty Ltd trading as CoreLogic has relied upon

Bei Li

1 Dec 2023

A rise in fresh listings will test the depth of buyer demand in spring

In this spring preview Tim Lawless analyses new and total listings compared to the previous five-year average, which regions have had the largest rise/fall in

Tim Lawless

16 Aug 2023


PowerPoint Presentation

1 2021 CoreLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For media enquiries, contact: 2023 RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. ... 2 2021 CoreLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For media enquiries, contact: 2023

PowerPoint Presentation

1 2021 CoreLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For media enquiries, contact: 2023 RP Data Pty Ltd t/as CoreLogic Asia Pacific. ... 2 2021 CoreLogic, Inc. All Rights Reserved. For media enquiries, contact: 2023

Jeremy Snowsill

2 May 2023

Using environmental risk data for better digital mortgage outcomes

Lenders can benefit from a suite of environmental risk data to better manage their risk exposure on digital mortgages.

CoreLogic Australia

3 Aug 2022

Showing 171-180 out of 1,360 results